Monday, November 29, 2010

Nelly the Nepal Snail

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Icey snow falls down
the boulders moving slowly
snow flakes falling down
by Amalia

In the distance I can hear
trickling waterfalls.
Cold rain pelts on the
grassy green leaves.
Birds chorous all around.
by Zoe

There are water falls raining
white water.
I can see soft clouds.
Finally I could see
the afternoon fading away.
by Lachlan
Summer is people playing beach cricket on Callans courts.
Summer is playing cricket on the green girly grass.
summer is going to Aranapark and see all the amazing animals.

By Lincoln.

Summer is camping by the blueist sea .
Summer is splashing about in the water that goes whoosh.
Summer is playing cricket on the beach.

By Paige.

Summer is when the beautiful flowers bloom.
summer is on a sunny day we have a bbq on the deck outside with the waves going crash
like thunder.
Summer is when we go up to butterfly creek and listen to the birds sing natures calls 'tweet tweet'
By Grace
Clouds gliding past me
Night stars shine like gold sparkles
Climbing up in snow
By Lucy Crawford.

Summer is playing with my little sister in the park.
summer is hearing the boats in the harbour.
Summer is playing on the sandy beach and doing what you want.
By Gabe.

Pushy mountains move
Boulders slip slide down the mountain
Snow falls to the ground
By Mila.
Summer is my feet sinking into soft silky sand.
Summer is smelling the salty sea.
I can see the summer sun in the blue sky.
by Ella.

Summer is me and Lachlan motorbiking Ir ir ir ir I can smell gas .
summer is jumping off the wharf as wildly as a monkey.
summer is busy
by Dylan

High up in the Himalayas there is grassy green trees and snow leopards roaring.
As you run green grass whooshs past you.
Tiny alpine flowers as Tiny as ants stand up and don't fall over.
by oli
Wooshing, waterfalls
Drips of rain slide down hills
fluffy clouds quite soft
by Sofya

Summer is splashing and splishing
in the cool open water . Every part
of my body drinking wetness of the water.
Summer was yesterday
it feels like a holiday.
by Phoebe

Summer is having super silly slumber parties
with funny friends.
Summer is great fantastic amazing
I love summer.
By Rosie

Summer is having a barbeque with crazy,cool friends.
Summer is watching the blazing hot sun go down.
By Alex

Cold snowy mountains
icy slippery slithering rocks
climbing in the mountains
by lucy.b

I can hear the rain bouncing off
the leaves.
Amazingly i find shelter in a small
cramped bus stop.
As I walk through Himalayas
I see nothing but peaceful mountains
asleep in the soft clouds.
by Eva .O

Climbing cold mountains
hearing water in the distance
boy it is hard
by Tom
Summer is people playing Callans crazy cricket on the steaming hot beach.
''Woosh" goes the waves and I lick goody goody gumdrops.
by Callan

Clouds gliding past me.
Night stars shine like gold sparkles.
Climbing in snow.
By Eva B

Summer is the receiving a toy puppy when I was turning two.
Summer is the colour of the stary night with sparkly stars.
Summer is the best season of the year that makes me feel so happy.By Isla